Following friends and finding new creators to follow is relatively easy on Roblox by using the built-in feature to follow another player, much like most social media sites. Following players in Roblox lets you see what they’re up to, join any in-progress games that they may be playing, and receive updates about new places they publish.
This tutorial will walk a long-serving Roblox fan or a curious newcomer through using the following system.
How to Follow Someone on Roblox?

First of all, to be able to follow other players, you need to have a Roblox account. If you have not created an account yet, that process is also very quick and painless. Second of all, after having logged into your account, it would now be time to find the person whom you wish to follow. At the top of the screen when on the Roblox website or in-app, there should be a search bar. You could type in your friend’s username, your favorite content creator, or anyone else with whom you would like to connect.
As soon as you see the profile that fits your search, you will be redirected to the player’s page. Next to their username is a menu containing three dots. Click on those three dots and you will see options, including the very essential option: “Follow”. You can now click “Follow” to keep yourself updated with this certain player. It toggles to “Unfollow” if someday you feel you are no longer interested in viewing his or her updates anymore.
Following a player in Roblox gives two major benefits. First, their profile will pop up on your home page so that you can easily tell what game they are currently playing to just jump right in and join them for fun. When the player allows the “join in-experience” setting, you will directly join an ongoing game of that player with just one click. This will enable you to easily drop into your friends’ adventures without having to hunt around for that same game.
By following players on Roblox, you unlock a portal to new dimensions of connection and shared experiences. Have you already followed someone on Roblox, be it your crush or your friend?